We are sounding the "Go Green" alarm!! You don't have to sacrifice being chic for being green. The two go hand in hand. Check out the scoop neck cotton dress from Rogan ($288). The dress was constructed from all natural fibers. You can find it at lagarconne.com. Another eye-catching item from the eco-friendly family is the coconut wood and sono wood belt from Betty B, ($46). The texturized detail of this belt is to die for! And the wooden fastener is stylishly modern. Visit nimli.com ASAP green-chic accessories. Finally, if you ever thought finding au natural leather tote was an impossible endeavor, think again! The vegan leather bag from Matt and Nat ($275) testifies to the fact that ultra-chic accessories with an environmentally conscious theme is within our grasp. Make your way to mattandnat.com and go crazy trying to decide which vegan bag is best for you this summer. This is part of our ongoing Trendy "Green" series, more to come soon...
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