Friday, April 8, 2011

Trendy TV Report - Housewives No More

BRAVO is saying a final goodbye to the DC Houeswives. After a disasterous first season, the network has decided not to prolong the inevitable and announced the DC franchise will not be given another chance to torture and bore us to death. The only notable storyline centered around the infamous White House crashers - Michaele and Tareq Salahi. But even that wasn't intriguing enough to captivate our attention. And all the other "wives" didn't really have enough "drama" to keep us coming back for more. It's pretty safe to say neither of them will be missed. The Miami Housewives should definitely be on edge. Judging by the numbers, they most likey are next in line. Maybe it's time for the franchise to go across the pond...Real Housewives of London sounds pretty good to me.

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